Storytelling, Messaging, and Category Creation
Go To Market Advisory and Mentoring
CyberSecurity Go To Market Services
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Spreading the #CategoryMeme – Enabling, Embedding and Incentivizing
Spreading your #categoryMeme is the third step in our Penetrate, Replicate, Spread framework, and takes off right where Replicate ends, with Enablement, then goes to Embedding and Incentivizing #CategoryMeme spread. We discussed enablement of #CategoryMeme replication...
Reproducing the #CategoryMeme – Simplify, Enable and Reward Your Marketplace
In order for a #CategoryMeme to spread, the third step of our Penetrate, Replicate, Spread framework, first, it must replicate itself, and do so as Brodie says, "faithfully". What does this mean? Our prospects and other market participants must be able to easily...
I’ve Been Infected, Not with Covid, But with A Mind Virus- #CategoriesAreMemes #PassItOn ;)!
Before DancingCats, TidePods, BucketChallenges and other "memes" took over the internet, a branch of social science called Memetics was actually built around the idea of Memes. The term Meme was coined more than 40 years ago in the landmark book by Richard Dawkins...