My Winter 2017 Go To Market Leadership Practice Group is now open for enrollment. In these small groups of 4-7 participants, we will map out your path to building your leadership impact within your organization and beyond. This group work is perfect for early to mid-career marketers who need mentoring and a plan, or those making later career changes into marketing and other Go To Market leadership roles. You’ll chart your personal road map from Novice to Expert to Leader to Master and leave with both tangible results, a long term plan, a strong peer network, and a mentor relationship.

Space is limited, so to enroll or learn more, download and complete this Group Practice Interest and Enrollment Form and email back to

The 6 month package includes:

  • Chart your personalized roadmap to 5x impact on your results
  • Four group Go To Market excellence sessions over 6 months
  • Two 1:1 coaching sessions, after kick-off and at program conclusion
  • Unlimited email feedback
  • Private online discussion board
  • All Sessions run by Ken Rutsky, with guest experts TBD based on group needs

Enrollment is open now and the first session will take place on November 16th at the Go To Market Dojo in Mountain View, remote participation IS an option.

Enroll or get more interest by completing this form: Winter 17 Small Group Mentoring Interest and Enrollment Form

(I also offer 1:1 mentoring and coaching for senior level Go To Market leaders, as well as custom programs for teams, email for more information)

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